Saturday, April 21, 2012

Fuck Real MADRID !!!!

In primul rand vreau sa spun FUCK REAL MADRID, FUCK Jouse Mourinho, FUCK REAL MADRID, FUCK THEM !!!! IAR intr-o alta ordine de idei voi stiati ca in acest moment MAI exista 10 tari care papa caini ?!?!? Adica what the fuck ! Iubesc animalele, pe toate, desii nu sunt vegetariana, insa sa mancam caini este ingrozitor! Iata tarile psihopate ce inca poftesc la caini : China Indonesia, Korea, Mexico, Philippines, Polynesia, Taiwan, Vietnam, The Arctic and Antarctic Two cantons in Switzerland. China: Although the Chinese were the first to domesticate the dog and keep them as pets, dog meat has been a source of food from at least the time of Confucius, and possibly even before. Indonesia: Eating dog meat is usually associated with people from the Batak Toba culture, who cook a traditional dish named saksang that is like a dog-meat stew. Mexico: Dogs were historically bred for their meat by the Aztecs. These dogs were called itzcuintlis, and were often pictured on pre-Columbian Mexican pottery. Philippines: In the capital city of Manila,the law specifically prohibits the killing and selling of dogs for food except in certain circumstances including research and animal population control. Polynesia: Dogs were historically eaten in Tahiti and other islands of Polynesia at the time of first European contact in 1769. Taiwan: Dog meat in Taiwan is particularly eaten in the winter months, especially black dogs, which are believed to help retain body warmth. Korea: Gaegogi literally means 'dog meat' in Korean. Gaegogi, however, is often mistaken as the term for Korean soup made from dog meat, bosintang. The distaste felt by dog lovers, particularly from the West, has made this dish very controversial. Switzerland: According to a Swiss newspaper report in 1996, the Swiss rural cantons of Appenzell and St. Gallen are known to have had a tradition of eating dogs, curing dog meat into jerky and sausages, as well as using the lard for medicinal purposes. Vietnam: Dog meat is eaten throughout Vietnam. To many Northerners, it is a popular, if relatively expensive, dinnertime restaurant meal. Arctic and Antarctic: Dogs have historically been an emergency food source for various peoples in Siberia, Alaska, northern Canada, and Greenland. Sled dogs are usually maintained for pulling sleds, but occasionally are eaten when no other food is available.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Oamenii fiinte monstruoase !!!

Deci ... nu am prea multe de spus decat ca suntem fucking monsters!!!
Asta e fucking viata? ... Viata de cacat ! Ajungem sa ne futem sa facem 7 miliarde de copii xerox apoi ne place sa o dam in civilizatie in compasiune pentru animale, pentru mediu, pentru vrajeala pulii !!! Vrei FUCKING REALITATE?????!!?!?? PAI IA DE AICI REALITATE:

Daca ai curaj sa te uiti la acest film cap coada fara sa vomiti sau fara sa te simti ca ultimul cacat, gunoi scos pe cur de chiar aceste animale ale caror viata NU valoareaza nimic si noi ne pisam pe civilizatia, sociatatea, compasiunea de care ne mintim ca dam dovada atunci meriti o bomboana ..GMO evident ...
Cel mai tare doare ipocrizia ... insa nu pot sa nu ma intreb ca si noi, oamenii, omenirea este "vazuta" sau isi are "creatorul" exact ca aceste biete animale. Adica si noi suntem ferma unora.. ca e Isus, Allah, sau Paul, creatorul nostru ... si noi ca si animalele astea am fost la un momendat un miliard, apoi nu a mai fost suficient si am ajuns 7 miliarde, ... insa sub fiecare creatie exista si un scop. Scopul animalelor sacrificate este acela de a hranii 7 miliarde de oameni. Scopul celor care ne-au creat nu etse stiut inca de unii ... de altii el poate fi intr-un fel sau altul decodificat! Pana una alta fiecare crede in ceva sau cineva ...
Hai cu Paste Fericit !!! Iar pentru cei care au sacrificat mielul, vitelul, porcul, puiul, iepurele, rata, etc vreau sa se gandeasca bine inainte sa bage in gura carnea ... macar asa de unde provine ea ... macar sa arate sau sa simta un pic de compasiune ... daca mai putem da dovada de compasiune ....

P.S. I'm so fucking depressed !!!!
This is a fucking beautiful life !!!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Entourage !!!

Hello, hello ... din nou hello! Azi m-am gandit sa va educ in privinta aruncatului cu privirea, a sportului preferat a tuturor si anume watching the fucking T.V.
Tot in topul serialelor preferate, cu o nota de 8.8 pe IMDB se afla Entourage. Acest serial este foarte tare, diferit fata de Californication, insa tare.
Acest serial este tare datorita actorului Jeremy Piven ce interpreteaza rolul lui "Ari Gold" un clasic de la nume pana la viata lui din film. Rolul este interpretat intr-un mod genial, personajul ia viata in fata noastra intr-un mod atat de real incat este demential ... ahhahahaha, imi amintesc ca il urmaream cu sotul meu si mereu spuneam ba etsi prost?!?! Cum pula mea joaca Jeremy asta asa de bine ?! Deci nu are cum ! Asta e clar, baaaaa ...Jeremy este de fapt Ari Gold!!! El e el! El era tatsu baaaa ......
Al doilea actor datorita cui face din acest serial unul absolut superb este Kevin Dillon in rolul lui Johnny "DRAMA" Chase. Este absolut tare de urmarit cum acesti doi actori dau nastere la aceasta poveste, la acest serial ... foarte tare !
Va propun sa urmariti cateva quotes din acest serial:

1. Ari Gold- “Well, my girl won her debate on Friday, my boy scored a goal on soccer on Saturday and my wife agreed to visit her mother without me. I don’t know how things could get much better!”

2. Johnny Drama - “I’ve been working steady for the past 12 years, minus the last three.”

3. Ari Gold - Call me Helen Keller because I’m a fucking miracle worker!

4. Ari Gold- “Listen, Lloyd, I want you to put all my files, folders, binders, everything into a box! If you find a used condom, an executioner’s mask, and a fucking spike paddle, don’t think, just pack that b*tch! Chop suey!”

5. Johnny Drama - “Nobody appreciates their girlfriend until they get herpes from the next broad.”

6. Ari Gold:“What the fuck are you wearing?”
Lloyd:“I’m trying out new looks! This one’s my Andre 3000. You like?”
Ari Gold: “No, I don’t. You look like Michelle Kwan in drag. Why don’t you do a triple axle over the phone and try calling Cameron again?”

7.GOLD- “We are gonna get drunk with Russell Crowe and we’re gonna head-butt some g**damn kangaroos.”

8. Eric and Johnny - Eric: “We had break up sex, all right?”
Johnny Drama: “Break up sex? Never heard of it.”
Eric: “Yeah, I mean… you know… you have sex and… that’s it. You say goodbye.”
Johnny Drama: “… That’s the only kinda sex I have.”

9. Ari Gold - “I’ll beat that old fuck and throw him in the pool! [to his young kids] … Only Daddy speaks that way.”

10. Johnny Drama and Turtle - Johnny:“I’d take it in the ass for an Oscar.”
Turtle:“You’d take it in the a** for a guest spot on the ‘Hughleys’!”

11. Eric and Ari - Eric: “Ari, I’m getting killed here. Vince isn’t happy.”
Ari Gold: “Of course he’s not happy. Nobody’s happy in this town except for the losers. Look at me. I’m miserable. That’s why I’m rich.”

12. Ari Gold - “I drove to work in an $80,000 Mercedes, and I’m going home in a prop car from the ‘Fast and the Furious.’ I just don’t see it, Lloyd…”

13. Lloyd: How? You are my inspiration, Ari. I’m still learning to be more like you.
Ari: No, you’re not like me and you don’t want to be. You’re fair and honest and you don’t like women.

14. Lloyd: I’m family too, aren’t I?
Ari: You’ll always be the gay son I never wanted – yes Lloyd.

15. Ari: I don’t want to bring your energy down so go and tell my people what it’s like to control 350 pound men who are usually carrying firearms. Motivate my losers!

16. Ari: Vince Chase wants this for his brother Johnny. Now we all know that Johnny Chase may have limited talent. But, like a child with special needs, a real family member will stand by his side. A real family member will buy that child’s way into Harvard if that’s what it takes. Vince Chase is standing by his brother, and I’m standing by both of them.

17. Ari: Yo, grill master. Are you in my house? I’ve got a new show for you. It’s called ‘Boy Meets Husband Who Kills Him!’
Mrs. Ari: Ari!
Bobby: I’m not hiding, Ari.
Ari: Well you should.

18. Ari: She gets to hang with the wolf man. Provided he keeps his shirt on. He has four percent body fat, daddy has five. Tell mommy, Daddy’s been working out.

19. Ari: I guess the bro code’s out the window when you’re fucking someone’s wife.

20. Ari (screaming at Mrs. Ari who’s leaving the couples therapy session): So you’re just gonna walk out on me!? (To therapist): Bill this one to her.

21. Vince: Lloyd is the head of the TV department?
Ari: The interim head of the TV department. Until he fucks up – then he’s back to pushing the mail cart.

22. Ari: You’re dating a cook?
Mrs. Ari: He’s a chef, Ari. And he’s a business man. And he’s kind, and respectful, and generous.
Ari: He’s a red headed fire-crotch – he’s a genetic mistake.

23. Lloyd (to Mrs. Ari): You are like the perfect couple. Like Lady Di and Charles.
Ari: Lady Di and Charles got divorced and then she died, now shut the fuck up.

24. Ari: I want you to call over to the Mad Men offices, and I want everyone from Matt Weiner to the PAs to treat that waiter like shit, humiliate him and send him packing.
Lloyd: I don’t know if I can do that…
Ari: If I see that kid on the Mad Men set, I’m gonna be Mad fucking Man, alright? If I see him anywhere, even as a zombie in the Walking Dead, I’m gonna shoot someone in the head. Get it done!

25. Ari (his son is in the office): What do you need Lloyd?
Lloyd: Oh, I guess it can wait.
Ari: Unless you want to talk about some of your X-rated weekend adventures, my son can handle it.

26. Ari (to Amanda): You’re sorry? You’re sorry for what? You’re sorry for leaking slanderous out of context nonsense about me huh? And then rifling through all my hard work to steal my football team? Fuck you, ok? Fuck you. And now hold on a second. I’d never hit a woman in my entire life but I swear to God in my mind right now I am pummeling your smug face to a pulp for everything you did to me, my career and my family. But not to worry all right. Because I will prevail, because I’m a winner and you’re a whore with more cleavage than talent. And I will not stop untill I destroy you.

27. Ari (on family night): I’m here, I’m present, I’m suffering. No phone, Blackberries or carrier pigeons.

28. Ari: Everyone. Conference room. Quickly! And quickly means run!
29. Ari: No no no. Jews don’t carry guns buddy, you know that.
Ari’s son: The Jewish army does.

30. Ari: Well tell the school, that when they schedule a parent teacher conference for 2:30 on a weekday, that’s just their way of saying we don’t care about daddy.

31. (Ari walks into yet another assistant)
Jake: Hi Mr. Gold. I’m Jake Steinberg, HR sent me up to replace your last assistant.
Ari: I don’t care. Get me Eddy Kapowski on the phone.
Jake: Uhm, any relation to Kelly Kapowski? You know, Saved by the Bell?
Ari: You’re finished. Go. You’re fucking fired.

As putea continua pana maine .. insa sincer va spun nu are nici un rost !
Acest serial is fucked up! Este foarte tare si meriat vazut !

Romania ne-a luat, ne-a adus, ne-a servit! Acuma hai Pa Pa Pa !!!

PS: Ari: Have you ever heard of a fucking prenup?
Terrence: Oh, you have one?
Ari: I’d kill my wife before I got a divorce!!!

This guy is fucking awesome !


Hello, hello .... cine nu a auzit de Californication sa stea jos, 3 pe ziua de azi!!!
Este unul dintre top 3 seriale geniale pe care le-am vazut. David Duchovny este un barbat extrem de sexy, foarte talentat, un bun scriitor de la 300 de pagini in sus, un foarte bun agent FBI, etc. Serialul are un umor aparte, iubiri pasionale, sex cat cuprinde, cacaturi multe, schimbari radicale de situatii, intrigi, actiunea e mereu captivanta, ... ce mai, e cel mai tare serial!
Personajul Hank Moody este extrem de real din foarte multe puncte de vedere,iar interpretarea lui David D. ii da viata.
Cateva quotes pentru cunoscatori, iar pentru necunoscatori sa se duca in banca lor, 3 pentru ziua de azi ! 3 !!!

1.I don’t just say shit. I mean, I do talk a lot of shit, but I generally mean what I say and I say what I mean.

2.I probably won’t go down in history, but I will go down on your sister

3.A morning of awkwardness is far better than a night of loneliness

4.We needn’t ever speak of it again but one does not very easily forget the kiss of a beautiful woman. That’s right. I said it. I meant it. I’m here to represent it.

5.Well, you should've called. I wouldn't have answered, but you coulda left a message, which I would've quickly erased.

6.Life is too short to dance with fat girls. Life is all about priorities

7.Well, your breasts are obviously real… and… eh… you have an abundance of pubic hair, which is really nice and… eh… there’s no evidence of vaginal rejuvenation. I’d say, aside from the fact that you worship a space alien, you just might be the most beautiful woman I’ve seen in a long, long time.

8. Hank Moody: Just the fact that people seem to be getting dumber and dumber. You know, I mean we have all this amazing technology and yet computers have turned into basically four figure wank machines. The internet was supposed to set us free, democratize us, but all it’s really given us is Howard Dean’s aborted candidacy and 24 hour a day access to kiddie porn. People…they don’t write anymore - they blog. Instead of talking, they text, no punctuation, no grammar: LOL this and LMFAO that. You know, it just seems to me it’s just a bunch of stupid people pseudo-communicating with a bunch of other stupid people at a proto-language that resembles more what cavemen used to speak than the King’s English.

9.You can't snort a line of coke off a woman’s ass and not wonder about her hopes and dreams, it's not gentlemanly.

10.Now you're giving me that look, right now, look like I fingerbanged your cat.

11.I disgust myself but I am not unhappy about that.

12. Wine is fine but whisky's quicker

13. Oh, look at the time.... The big hand says Fuck, and the little hand says Off..... Good thing there's not a second hand. I'm goin' in.

14. Hank: You looking for a dick punch?
Bill: Do you want to punch me in the dick?
Hank: I kinda do, yeah. But standing here talking about it is beginning to sound pretty gay.

15. Rehab is for Quitters.

16. Don't tell me what to feel. All my fuckin' life people have been telling me I do things wrong, I'm always the fucking asshole, and I look around and I see everyone else is infinitely more fucked- up than I am.

17. "I consider that whole area, general area, like from my knees to my nipples... cock."

18. "Women know within the first few seconds of meeting a guy whether they want to marry him, fuck him, or kill him."

19. Hank: Don't you remember I'm an asshole?
Meredith: I'm an attorney.
Hank: Oh, then we're both assholes.

20. Tyler: Why don't you go easy on me, man? I got my ass beaten about a week ago
Hank: I know. I know that. And I was almost sad when I heard the news. And than I was vaguely disappointed when I heard you weren't gonna die or anything like that. But knowing that you were in great pain did make me smile. It's the little things, you know.

21. Hank: I fainted? Like a little girl?
Abby: Pretty much, yeah.
Hank: What a pussy I am.
Abby: You said it, I just thought it.

22. Karen: And the judge? Did you sleep with the judge too?
Hank: No, no. Just a little oral... and some anal.

23. Hank: What did she say?
Runkle: She wanted to play home invasion. Yeah, you break in, pistol-whip me, tie me to a chair, and then I have to watch while you rape her.
Moody: What is wrong with kids today?

24. Runkle: I cannot speak of such things in front of the young lady.
Marcy: Why? She knows what a disgusting perv you are.
Becca Moody: I do. I made peace with it a long time ago. It doesn't mean you're not a nice man.

25. Karen: [to Abby] I think the world sees Hank as this fabulous fuckup and, uhm, I know that guy, I've spent a lot of time with that guy, but I am better acquainted with the other guy. The one that listens and hears everything. The one that looks at you and sees right into your soul. The one that makes you believe in every fucking fairytale that you've ever been told. Ultimately I may not even be the one who gets to enjoy the man that I know he can be, but I still want the best for him because I want the best for my daughter.

Ar fi foarte multe de spus despre acest serial ... insa un lucru e cert, acest serial este genial, din toate punctele de vedere! Daca aceste quotes nu v-au convins mergeti in banca voastra, iar pentru ziua de azi ati luat 3 ! 3 !!! Jos, 3 !!!

P.S. Nota pe imdb este de 8.4